So we've touched on the basics. Now lets get a little more practical. Take note of everything you've read and everything you're about to and I bet you a free personal 12 week programme (Because they take me ages to write) you will drop some serious fat.
The Fat Burning Zone Myth
A great deal of cardio equipment have a programme selection called 'Fat Burn', or something similar. You'll all have seen it. What I want you to do is completely ignore it. Often the programme is based on what's called 'the fat burning zone' to determine intensity. This is absolute rubbish. The intensity is very low because the percentage of energy used from fat increases as intensity decreases. For example when sitting in front of the T.V. your body is burning fat to provide you with energy, but at such a low intensity you don't need a great deal of energy, so calories lost are minimal at best. This is were the theory breaks down.
At a high intensity carbohydrate is also used to fuel the exercise. The intensity, and use of fat and carbohydrate as fuel, will maximise the amount of calories burnt. The fat burning zone is a myth. Hard work and sweat are all it takes to shred pounds.
There are approximately 3500 calories in a pound of fat. As before mentioned a calorie deficit of 1000 per day would result in 2lbs of fat loss every week, that's 7000 calories every week. So with such a huge amount of calories to expel through diet and exercise, how on earth do you keep it up? Well, it's mind over matter, literally. Controlling the hypothalamus (appetite control centre of the brain) is possible. First you must train yourself to be able to determine between hunger, and cravings. Know the difference? A craving is something you desire, hunger is out of necessity. If you are struggling still, when you think you are hungry, contemplate eating an apple. If the idea is off putting, you're likely not hungry.
Next you have to face the facts. Persuade yourself that your weight is effecting your health (only if it is) and think of a couple reasons why you should lose weight and what it will mean to you. Assess your self image... Are you happy with what you see in the mirror? Don't be put off by the effort it will take to achieve your goals, I offer a 3 month transformation package to my clients and I ask them all, 'what are 3 months worth to you?'. Results achieved through hard work last!
Assess your diet and track it. Create small achievable goals so you're continuously motivated, and remember, a complete change to your habits and lifestyle won't happen over night, and even I have the odd cheat day.
Avoid at all cost. Take it easy, relax, and don't fight anything you have no control over. Stress can hinder weight loss an incredible amount. It triggers the release of cortisol, which conserves fat and stimulates hunger. It has also been noted to rekindle old habits/comforts, such as over eating, smoking, or addictions to sugary foods and drinks.
The majority of you will likely not want to read this. But it is important you're aware.
Alcohol is highly associated with weight gain and obesity. Calories from alcoholic beverages, just like sugary drinks are very quickly stored as fat. Just one small gram of alcohol is equal to 7 calories of fat, almost twice the value of the same weight in protein or carbohydrates. There are approximately 100 calories in a shot of gin and 0% nutrient value. Light beer and non alcoholic substitutes are far better. But if you're after some serious results I'd recommend dropping the bottle, at least until you reach your goals.
Eat slowly
A simple yet very effective method of weight control. This can seriously prevent over eating and indulging. Take time to smell the aroma of your food and chew slowly. Savouring the taste and chew slowly or multiple times will trick your brain in to believing it has ate more than you actually have, thus the sensation of feeling full and satisfied after a meal will be more common. It takes 20-25 minutes for your brain to receive signals from the stomach and intestines that you're satisfied, so if you do feel hungry after eating.. just wait a while first.
Easy one this. Never skip it. Having breakfast, just like being continuously hydrated, will suppress your appetite throughout the day, in particularly when you include protein in it. Approximate total calorie decrease each day has been noted to be about 250 less than it would be if you were to skip breakfast.
Set Points / Settling Points
This is a theory that I am particularly fond of. We all know your body has a temperature it prefers to be. So when temperature is increased or decreased your body will always try to stay or return to its ideal temperature. This theory suggests that we all have a set body weight too. For example your body weight may ideally wish to stay at 70kg, making weight loss below this difficult, and if you were to achieve a weight below this any time you change your calorie intact back to normal your body will return to 70kg. Now that's not to say this weight is set in stone. Just as your body can adapt to different temperatures, it may also be able to adapt to different weights. This is the settling point theory. Various environmental and habitual changes, such as a regular exercise programme, and a continued healthy diet could 'reset' your set point.
You're wondering why I'm telling you this? Well, I don't want you to be disheartened if all of a sudden weight loss dramatically slows. Take note, that unless you have a medical disorder, this set point in weight is often a very healthy weight for you to be.
Your metabolic rate is the energy expended to maintain all physical and chemical changes in the body. A high metabolism will expend more calories. Just as a low metabolism will expend less. Each decade of life your metabolism is said to slow by 5% due to muscle decrease and other factors. WE don't want that. We want our metabolic rate to be high and our metabolic age to be lower than our own, this way we can burn calories far more effectively and won't gain weight eating the same amount of food. So how do we decrease or metabolic age? Simple... exercise. Now loads of things can effect your metabolism, caffeine, smoking, the temperature, (see 'Training in a winter wonderland') but exercise causes nearly all body systems to go into overdrive, respiratory, circulatory, endocrine, etc. Which speeds up your metabolism a great deal. The changes exercise promotes to our bodies also speeds up metabolism. Continue a regular exercise programme and your metabolic age will plummet Take note though, a diet rich in minerals and healthy foods is also necessary. Fast foods and junk will slow you down considerably.
When exercising you ought to know, pushing yourself as hard as you can won't just help your metabolism out, it will also mean that anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour later you will still be burning calories.. even if you're laying on your cheeks. This is excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). High intensity activity will leave your body in a state of repair, and as you try to bring your heart rate down amongst other things, you will continue to burn calories. Nice huh?
Once you have reached your goals you will likely wish to return to a more suitable calorie intake to maintain weight rather than lose even more. Don't be worried if when you do this you see a rapid weight gain of 2-3lbs. It is only your bodies glycogen and water levels restoring - not fat!
Congratulations! If you've read this far you're now oozing with more than enough knowledge to be successful in your endeavour to lose fat. Part 1 and 2 of this topic should have given you a thorough understanding, but as always if you're ever in need on a little extra advice, or if I've missed something you're interested in, just get in touch at:
Stay fit guys!!
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