A very controversial topic I know, but nonetheless I figured I'd educate you all about androgenic anabolic steroids.
Before I start you should know I understand why people would take this drug, so try not to take offence, and if you're determined to keep taking it this article isn't for you. Quick results in a modern world based around aesthetics are obviously very tempting. There are many reasons various types of steroids should be used, mostly in the cases of asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, as well as some bone disorders. But that isn't what this post is about, this is purely based upon the use of steroids as a performance enhancing drug in order to look they way we want.
So quick fire to avoid you all reading to the end just to know the negative effects, some of whihc are permanent. Here they are:
- Development of female characteristic
- High blood pressure
- Risk of blood clots
- Increase in LDL (bad cholesterol)
- Reduced sperm count
- Infertility
- Shrinking of testicle
- Baldness
- Breast development
- Increased risk of prostate cancer
- Splayed teeth and overgrowth of forehead
- Terrible acne
- Kidney tumours
- High blood pressure
- Blood Clots
- Increased LDL (bad cholesterol)
- Facial and body hair
- Loss of breast size
- Swelling of clitoris
- Deepened voice
- Increased sex drive (yeah!)
-Problems with periods
- Hair loss
- Severe acne
- Kidney tumours
- Aggression
- Mood swings
- Manic behaviour
- Hallucinations and delusions
So what are steroids Andy?
Well, reader, steroids are class C drugs under the misuse of drugs act 2004 and as such are illegal to distribute. They are used as performance enhancing drugs at many levels of sport. Often anabolic steroids are injected into the target muscle, but they also come in tablet form, or as a cream and gel. In an effort to avoid side effects people often cycle the drug, this is a term used when the drug is taken from a low dose to maximum dose over the space of 6-12 weeks before discontinuing for a while as the primary effects of the drug are flushed out, then continuing again. In some case many varieties of steroids will be used at the same time, this is called 'stacking', and is extremely dangerous. To be 'stacking' and 'cycling', you are said to be 'pyramiding'. This however does not mean you will avoid side effects, more like lessening how long you will feel crap because of them. Keeping up?
Why would someone take them?
Often it is because of low self esteem or reverse anorexia (not being as big as you feel you should be), which of course is understandable with the pressures to look good in modern society. Naturally male bodies produce about 8mg of testosterone per day, whereas female bodies produce about 30 times less per day. Since testosterone plays a huge part in strength training, it makes sense that by boosting this artificially you will see bigger results, right? What if I told you it can knock up to 20 years off your life?
Tell us more...
If you insist... Anabolic steroids are very addictive, so it is best never to start when you consider all the side effects. The psychological effects of withdrawing from the drug are as follows: (some also occur times between cycling)
- depression and apathy
- feelings of anxiety
- difficulty concentrating
- insomnia
- anorexia (counter-productive right!?)
- decreased sex drive (Boo!)
- fatigue
- headaches
- muscle and joint pain
Anabolic steroids have also been linked to diabetes, premature ageing causing stunted growth, and peliosis hepatis, which are blood filled cysts in the liver (you're right on the money if you think these can kill you). Just to add insult to injury I can assure you the vast amount of 'bulk' you gain from using these steroids is shown as fluid retention, and if you think one dose is fine, remember in some cases steroids can be detected for up to a year in your system.
Be careful guys, I don't judge those who choose the route of steroids, as I've said there are many understandable reasons, but I hope this post helps put a few of you off. Stay clean, stay natural, and you'll earn longevity with that beautiful body you've worked so hard for.
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